For the sake of simplicity as well as uniformity of text input
across Browsers, we have decided to avoid Data Entry in Tamil. The query
string (in Tamil) for search is actually built up from equivalent Roman letters entered
in the search field as per the mapping seen in the image below. Eamples
are also included
The search string in Tamil will be generated only if the string
of equivalent Roman letters comes from the set shown in the image. Invalid input
will be tagged suitably in the match results window at right.
On account of the fact that the volumes of Deivathin Kural are massive
in terms of content, this search application is written to work with specific groups of
words as described below.
Short words having 3-6 aksharas
Long words having more than 6 aksharas
Quoted words with one or more aksharas
Words in English
Since each volume has very large number of words of varying sizes, it may
be difficult to check if a specific word alone is present. For all short words and long
words, the search will try and match the first three aksharas of the query and return
all matches.The
principle here is that our languages are built up on the basis of root words with added
suffixes and prefixes. If the search is for quoted words, a single akshara is permitted as one
finds several instances of single words in sections dealing with grammar or etymology.
It is possible that an exact match for a query may still not be available.
This may be a consequence
of incorrectly typed query or even spelling variations where a word (typically Sanskrit
words) may admit of multiple representations in Tamil.
To help identify a desired match from a set of partially matched words, the method
here returns as many words which match the first few aksharas of the query.
More information about searching is provided in a separate page.