Standard Scheme
for Roman Transliteration
order that people of the world may read Indian language text without having
to know specific Indian scripts, the Roman transliteration scheme has been
a meaningful choice for nearly a century. Here, the aksharas of Indian
languages are represented using the letters of the Roman alphabet along
with diacritical marks. The use of diacritical marks in Dictionaries is
a well established practice, to aid the reader understand the pronunciation
of the words. In respect of Indian languages, many different schemes have
been in use and it is not unusual to see a reference chart at the beginning
of books explaining the notation used in the book for the aksharas.
The National
Library at Calcutta has standardized the symbols which use Roman letters
with suitable diacritics for all the aksharas in use in the languages of
the country. The table below illustrates this scheme. Shown in the table
are the aksharas in Devanagari along with the phonetic equivalents. The
set of aksharas also includes consonants from Tamil and Bengali which are
not seen in Sanskrit.

scheme is a well accepted standard all over the world. However, preparing
texts using this scheme is still a difficult task since the font required
for this is somewhat scarce. The IITM software allows this scheme as another
Indian script and has incorporated the same in the set of supported scripts.
Using the IITM multilingual editor, it will be very easy to type the required
text directly in this scheme by choosing the option "IPA" for the language.
It will also be possible for a person using the editor, to type in any
one of the Indian scripts and automatically get the text transliterated
into Roman Diacritics.
Examples of Transliterated

Other Transliteration Schemes
Over the years, different Roman Diacritics have been in use in printed text. Given below are some conventions which had been used earlier.
