Bhagavadgita: Synopsis of the Chapters
I entitled "The Yoga of Dejection of Arjuna"
1-11 |
Description of the principal
warriors on both sides with their fighting qualities. |
12-19 |
Blowing of conchs by the
warriors on both sides. |
20-27 |
Arjuna observes the warriors
drawn up for battle. |
28-47 |
Overwhelmed by infatuation,
Arjuna gives expression to his faint-hearted-ness, tenderness and grief. |
II entitled "Sankhyayoga or the Yoga of Knowledge"
1-10 |
Arjuna and Sri Krishna discussing
Arjuna's faint-heartedness. |
11-30 |
Sankhyayoga (the Yoga of
Knowledge) described. |
31-38 |
The Kshatriya's duty to
engage himself in fight. |
39-53 |
Karmayoga (the Yoga of Selfless
action) described. |
54-72 |
Marks of the man of stable
mind and his glories described. |
III entitled "Karmayoga or the Yoga of Action"
1-8 |
Importance of the performance
of duty, in a detached way, according to both Jnanayoga and Karmayoga. |
9-16 |
The necessity of performing
sacrifices, etc. |
17-24 |
The necessity of action
on the part of the wise, and even on the part of God Himself, for the good
of the world. |
25-35 |
Marks of the wise and the
unwise; instruction about the performance of action without attraction
and repulsion. |
36-43 |
How to overcome desire. |
IV entitled "The Yoga of Knowledge as well as the disciplines of Action
and Knowledge"
1-18 |
The glory of God with attributes;
Karmayoga, or selfless action, described. |
19-23 |
The conduct of Yogis and
sages, its glory described. |
24-32 |
Different forms of sacrifices
described with their fruits. |
33-42 |
The glory of Knowledge described. |
V entitled "The Yoga of Action and Knowledge"
1-6 |
Sankhyayoga and the Yoga
of disinterested action described. |
7-12 |
Marks of the Sankhyayogi
and Nishkama Karmayogi - their glories described. |
13-26 |
Jnanayoga, or the Yoga of
Knowledge. |
27-29 |
Dhyanayoga, or meditation,
together with Devotion, described. |
VI entitled "The Yoga of Self - Control"
1-4 |
Karmayoga, or the Yoga of
disinterested Action, described; marks of one who has attained Yoga. |
5-10 |
Urging one to uplift the
self; marks of the God-Realized soul. |
11-32 |
Detailed description of
Dhyanayoga. |
33-36 |
The question of Mind-control
discussed. |
37-47 |
The fate of one who falls
from Yoga; the glory of Dhyanayoga described. |
VII entitled "The Yoga of Jnana (Knowledge of Nirguna Brahma) and Vijnana
(Knowledge of Manifest Divinity)"
1-7 |
Wisdom with real Knowledge
of Manifest Divinity. |
8-12 |
Inherence of God in all
objects as their Cause. |
13-19 |
Condemnation of men of demonical
nature and praise of devotees. |
20-23 |
The question of worship
of other gods. |
24-30 |
Condemnation of men, who
are ignorant of the glory and true nature of God, and approbation of those
who know them. |
VIII entitled "The Yoga of the Indestructible Brahma"
1-7 |
Answer to Arjuna's seven
questions on Brahma, Adhyatma and Karma (Action) etc. |
8-22 |
The subject of Bhaktiyoga
discussed. |
23-28 |
The bright and dark paths
described. |
IX entitled "The Yoga of the Sovereign Science and the Sovereign Secret"
1-6 |
The subject of Jnana (Knowledge)
with its glory described. |
7-10 |
The origin of the world
discussed. |
11-15 |
Condemnation of men of the
demonical nature, who despise God, and the method of Bhajana of men possessed
of the divine nature. |
16-19 |
Description of God, as the
soul of everything, and His glory. |
20-25 |
The fruits of worship with
a motive and without motive. |
26-34 |
The glory of Devotion practiced
disinterestedly. |
X entitled "The Yoga of Divine Glories"
1-7 |
Description of God's glories
and power of Yoga with the fruit of their knowledge. |
8-11 |
Bhaktiyoga - its fruit and
glory. |
12-18 |
Arjuna offers his praises
to God and prays to the Lord for a description of His glories and power
of Yoga. |
19-42 |
The Lord describes His glories
and power of Yoga. |
XI entitled "The Yoga of the Vision of the Universal Form"
1-4 |
Arjuna prays to the Lord
for a vision of His Universal form. |
5-8 |
The Lord describes His Universal
Form. |
9-14 |
The Universal Form described
by Sanjaya to Dhritarashtra. |
15-31 |
Arjuna sees the Lord's Universal
Form and offers praises to the Lord. |
32-34 |
God describes His glory
and exhorts Arjuna to fight. |
35-46 |
Overtaken by fright, Arjuna
offers Praises to God, and prays for a sight of the Lord's Four armed Form. |
47-50 |
The Lord describes the glory
of the vision of His Universal Form, and reveals to Arjuna His Four armed,
gentle form. |
51-55 |
The impossibility of obtaining
a sight of the Four armed Form without exclusive Devotion, which is described
with its fruit. |
XII entitled "The Yoga of Devotion"
1-12 |
Respective merits of the
worshippers of God with Form and without Form, and the means of God Realization. |
13-20 |
Marks of the God-realized
soul. |
XIII entitled "The Yoga of Discrimination between the Field and the knower
of the Field"
1-18 |
The subject of "Field" and
the Knower of the "Field", together with Knowledge. |
19-34 |
The subject of Prakriti
and Purusha (Matter and Spirit) together with knowledge. |
XIV entitled "The Yoga of Classification of the three Gunas"
1-4 |
The glory of Knowledge;
evolution of the world from Prakriti and Purusha. |
5-18 |
The qualities of Sattva,
Rajas and Tamas described. |
19-27 |
Means of God-Realization,
and marks of the soul who has transcended the Gunas. |
XV entitled "The Yoga of the Supreme Person"
1-6 |
Description of the Universe
as a tree and the means of God-Realization. |
7-11 |
The Jeevaatma, or individual
soul. |
12-15 |
God and His Glory described. |
16-20 |
The perishable (bodies of
all beings), the imperishable (Jeevaatma) and the Supreme Person. |
XVI entitled "The Yoga of Discrimination between the Divine and the Demonical
1-5 |
The Divine and the demonical
properties described with their fruit. |
6-20 |
Marks of man possessed of
the demonical properties and their damnation described. |
21-24 |
Instruction about renouncing
conduct opposed to the scriptures and exhortation to follow the scriptures. |
XVII entitled "The Yoga of Classification of the Threefold Faith"
1-6 |
Discussion on Faith and
on the fate of men who perform austere penance not enjoined by the scriptures. |
7-22 |
Different Kinds of food,
sacrifice, penance and charity described. |
23-28 |
The meaning and attention
of uttering "Om Tat Sat" explained. |
XVIII entitled " The Yoga of Liberation through the Path of Knowledge and
Self-Surrender "
1-12 |
The subject of Tyaaga or
Relinquishment. |
13-18 |
Causes of Karma according
to the Sankhya system. |
19-40 |
Classification of knowledge,
action, doer, reason, firmness and joy according to the three Gunas. |
41-48 |
Duties attaching to each
caste and the fruit of their performance. |
49-55 |
The path of Knowledge described. |
56-66 |
The path of Karmayoga, or
selfless action, together with Devotion. |
67-78 |
The glory of the Gita described. |
through Practice of Renunciation (An exposition of the benefits
of knowing Gita)
(These are meant to be recited
The links provided with the
text on the left will take you to the display of the text of Gita, one
section at a time. The sections break each chapter into units based on
the concept(s) covered.