Learn Sanskrit through Self Study
Devanagari Script (lesson 0!)
Part-17: Vedic Symbols
The Vedas constitute the oldest literature known to man.
It has not been possible to determine exactly when the Vedas were written.
In India, the view held is that they were not the creation of any human being
but divine sounds heard by the seers who understood them, interpreted them
and gave them to this world. From the beginning, Vedas have been learnt
following the oral tradition and never was the need felt to have a written
form. With the western scholars developing deeper interests in the scriptures
of India and the advanced made in printing techniques, specific notations
were proposed to indicate the swaras to be applied when chanting the mantras.
There has been very little standardization in the
notations but in respect of the first two Vedas (Rig and Yajur), three
swaras have specific diacritics associated with them. The figure below
explains the notation.
Next Section Rarely used Aksharas
Previous Section Similar looking Aksharas
Start of this Lesson
Short Vowels
Long Vowels
Support Vowels
Generic form of a Consonant
Semi Vowels, Sibilants etc.
Consonant Vowel combinations
Conjunct characters
Writing methods for Conjuncts
Conjuncts with "ra"
List of Conjuncts
Similar looking Aksharas
Vedic symbols
Rarely used Aksharas
Listening Practice