Learn Sanskrit through Self Study
Lesson3: Conversation in a family
Section-14: Summary of lesson-3
Lesson 3 has taken us through a simple conversation that takes place at different times of the day in a small family. The student
should take note of some of the expressions and thus be able to use them
as they are, in simple conversations. Though the lesson is not intended
to portray the activities in a family, it does indicate typically what
happens in a family in a city or a town in India. One will observe the
western influence in the daily activities. Generations ago, the situation
would have been different but the same Sanskrit language would have correctly
portrayed the events and conversations.
Next Section Siksha
Previous Section Exercises 8-9
Start of this Lesson
Early Morning
Later in the Morning
In the Afternoon
Later in the Evening
Basic Grammar
Imperative mood
Formation of sentences
Frame questions
Exercises 2-3
Exercises 4-5
Exercises 6-7
Exercises 8-9